When Is The Best Time to Spray Clover in Your Lawn?

Clover in Grass!

Clover grows well in grass less than 3 inches (7.62 centimeters) tall. You need to get rid of it, but then, when is the best time to spray clover in your lawn? Clover spreads quickly when the grass is at a higher height. You should mow your grass high to have an advantage over Clover.

Clover thrives on nitrogen-deficient soil. Grass requires soil nitrogen to thrive, whereas clover gets its nitrogen from the air.

What Does Clover Look Like?

In many parts of the world, there are three common clover species. White clover (T. repens), red clover (T. pratense), and alsike (T. hybridum) clover are the three species. If you are keen, you’ve almost certainly come across all of them. Here are some pointers on how to tell which clover species you’re looking at:

White Clover (T.repens)

The shortest of the three clovers is the white clover. It stands between 4 and 10 inches (10.2 and 25.4 centimeters) tall. You’ll see that it creeps along the ground if you look closely. A runner connects the flower stems. As a result, T. repens is the “creeping clover.” This is the only clover on the list that spreads in this manner.

The white flowers of T. repens are occasionally tinted with pale pink. This color change occurs typically towards the bottom of the flower head, as I’ve noticed. Older flowers will turn brown and droop.T. repens has three leaflets, each with a light “V” mark. The leaves have an oval shape.

White clover

Red Clover (T. Pratense)

The red clover (T. pratense), which grows 6 to 16 inches (15.2 to 40.6 centimeters) tall, is the second tallest clover on this list. Despite its name, the red clover contains beautiful pink/purple-colored blooms placed on a circular flower head. In addition, the stems of red clover are covered in tiny hairs called trichomes.

T. pratense bears three oval leaflets on its compound leaves. The leaflets are finely serrated, with “V” markings resembling white clover.

Bouquet of red clover

Alsike Clover (T. hybridum)

The Alsike clover (T. hybridum) is the tallest, reaching 1 to 2 feet (30.5 to 60.9 centimeters). With their brilliant mix of pink and white colors, they are gorgeous.

Alsike flowers come in various colors, including pink and white. The flower heads frequently have a mixture of both. Alsike blossoms, like all clover flowers, mature into brown seed heads. Leaves: Look for three oval-shaped, sharply serrated leaflets.

Red and white clover have a characteristic “V” shaped pattern on their leaves, whereas Alsike does not. With this information, you can easily identify clover.

Alsike Clover

What is White Clover?

White clover (Trifolium repens), a perennial weed of the legume family, is found throughout the United States. It is closely linked to the alfalfa and sweet clover crops. Clover thrives in under-nourished lawns because it makes its nitrogen. 

While some people enjoy having clover on their lawns, others wish to keep it under control because it looks messy, or they are worried about their children being stung by bees visiting the blossoms.

How to Get Rid of Clover

To get rid of clover, you need to follow specific essential steps. These include; identification, inspection, and finally treatment:

Identifying Clover

Clover is sometimes confused with other broadleaf plants, such as dollar weed. If you know what to look for, finding a clover is simple. The qualities listed below will assist you in correctly identifying clover. Clover stems consist of three tiny petal-shaped leaves (or leaflets) about half an inch long and feature a white “v” or crescent on each leaf.

Clover exists in different colors and sizes, with White clover being the most popular. However, there are many types of clover weeds. Red clover, which may grow up to 20 inches (50.8 centimeters) tall and has thin leaves, and Sweet clover, which has tall stalks of white or yellow flowers, are two other typical clover species that flourish in more extensive expanses. 

White clover has three or four circular leaves and can grow up to 8 inches (20.3 centimeters) tall in patches. White Clover has tiny flower heads that are white or pale pink. The little white flowers in the grass form a spherical cluster that resembles a miniature white ball.


You can move on to examination if you’ve determined that you’re dealing with clover. During this phase, you’ll identify the areas where the clover is flourishing and examine the favorable conditions that assist the clover’s growth. This helps you in selecting where to concentrate your therapeutic efforts.

You can frequently find clover in lawns that have been under-fertilized or have less fertilizer than they require. The weed is a large nitrogen absorber, so if you have a low-nitrogen yard, it’s virtually an invitation for clover to take over. 

Testing your soil is necessary to determine what your grass soil lacks to properly feed it and make your lawn nutrient-rich, preventing clover from competing.

Clover is an easy-to-spot lawn plant that blooms in the early spring or late fall. Their broad leaves and white flowers in the grass are easy to spot. This low-maintenance perennial broadleaf plant grows in fields, ditches, and other low-maintenance places. Clover has a weak root system and grows low to the ground.


You need to know how to kill clover. Before handling any chemicals, ensure you’re wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (P.P.E.) (glasses, gloves, mask). When it comes to treating clover, timing is everything. It’s crucial to attack the clover grass after it’s completed blooming because that’s when the plant is most vulnerable to herbicides.

This product is simple to prepare, but it also has a broad label. It is the best herbicide for clover, which means you can use it on various turf. In this case, it will only hurt the weeds you want to get rid of while leaving any desired grasses alone. For treatment, follow the following steps:

Step 1 

Prepare the 2,4-D amine selective post-emergent herbicide by measuring and mixing it. Then, squeeze Topshot Ampule into a sprayer. To establish how much 2,4-D amine selective post-emergent herbicide you’ll need, start by calculating the square footage of the treatment area (length x width = square footage). This will help you know what amount you need for your lawn.

Apply no more than 4 gallons (15.1 liters) per acre (4046.8 square meters) each year to pastures and rangelands. Two treatments per year are allowed for ornamental turfs, with a maximum of 3.16 pints (1.5 liters) of product per acre (4046.8 square meters) per application. 

The application rates will differ depending on the area you are treating. You can find specific application rates on the label.

After determining the treatment area’s square footage, combine the proper amount of 2,4-D amine selective post-emergent herbicide with the calculated amount of water in a pump sprayer or hose-end sprayer. 

Most other grasses are unaffected by 2,4-D, but some southern grasses, such as St. Augustine, are more prone to injury, so double-check the label to ensure your turfgrass isn’t affected.

Depending on the broadleaf weed kind and ambient conditions, it may take 1 to 3 weeks for the product to attain its most incredible effects.

Step 2

Spray the white clover lawn with herbicide— the herbicide targets certain plants. Spray the 2,4-D amine selective post-emergent herbicide mixture lightly on the top of the leaf surface where the clover grass is, keeping wind drift in mind. It would help if you did the spraying in the early spring.

You should spray weeds to the point of wetness but not to the end of runoff. Because clover is a stubborn weed, it may be essential to apply again around six weeks later to treat it. Clover should, if it hasn’t already, become extinct soon after.

How to Prevent Clover Growing on Your Lawn

You can identify clover by small, spherical, white, or pink flowers with bees flying around them in your yard. This low–growing perennial weed comes in various forms, but they all have the same leaf structure: three circular leaflets at the end of a long stalk. 

White clover is the most common type. However, if you do not want clover to grow in your lawn, you should consider the following:

  1. Maintain a healthy lawn: When you’re constantly fighting weeds like clover, it’s a sign that you’re dealing with something more significant. Stopping clover before it starts is the best way to keep it under control. One method is to feed your lawn four times a year, which gives the nutrients that grass requires to grow thick and robust. In addition, expansive lawns can crowd out weeds like clover.
  2. Change the height of your mowing: It’s tempting to lower your mower’s height to get rid of all the clover grass, but it’s better to boost it. Clover is a low-growing plant with shallow roots. By increasing your mowing height and allowing your grass to grow a little taller, you can prevent clover from sprouting by blocking sunlight.
  3. Using your hands, pull the clover: If you find clover early enough, you can remove it by hand from small areas before it flowers and spreads. Clover spreads through seed and creeping stems that root in the ground, so get rid of it as soon as possible. When removing clover, loosen the soil to break up any lingering roots you may have overlooked.
  4. Make use of a weed killer: You should know what will kill clover but not grass. You’ll need an effective weed killer that won’t hurt your lawn if you don’t want to pull clover by hand. 
  5. Fertilize with organic fertilizer: Clover will not appear in your lawn if you use an organic, slow-release, nitrogen-rich fertilizer. However, some homeowners prefer traditional, slow-release fertilizer since it grows grass faster and costs less.
  6. Gluten-free cornmeal: Meal made from corn gluten causes organic peptides to be released into your soil, inhibiting clover development. This won’t stop existing clover from growing, but it will prevent fresh seeds from sprouting indiscriminately, so take caution if you’ve recently reseeded your lawn. Fortunately, this approach will not affect any existing grass in the area.

How to Remove Clover in Lawn – Naturally

There are various natural and organic ways to get rid of clover without using harsh chemicals if you don’t want it to take over your lawn. Some people enjoy clover in their lawns, but others do not. There are various techniques to get rid of white clover sprouting up and creeping out in places in your yard. 

There’s good news for those who want to become green: you don’t have to use harmful chemicals. Instead, there are a few simple techniques to eliminate clover in your yard naturally: 

  1. Remove it by hand: You can manually remove clover from tiny spots. Then, gently loosen the dirt with a spade and pull the clover out, roots and all. The clover will regrow if any sources are left behind.
  2. Take away its oxygen and sunlight: You can kill clover by denying it all oxygen and sunlight. Cover the area with plastic sheeting or a garbage bag, anchoring the corners with rocks to keep it from flying up. In a few weeks, the clover should be gone. Remember that any grass under the plastic will die due to this method.
  3. Use a vinegar solution as a spray: You can make your non-toxic weed killer with this natural home treatment. Combine one cup of vinegar, one cup of water, and one drop of dish soap in a mixing bowl. Shake it well before spraying it on clover patches. The vinegar will dry the clover’s leaves off, and the dish soap will ensure that it sticks. To eliminate the clover, you may need to spray over weeks. Unfortunately, vinegar can harm grass, so use caution while spraying the solution.
  4. Use a natural herbicide: You can use A.D.I.O.S., a selective organic herbicide that kills clover while leaving the grass alone. Spray it on a clover to weaken and destroy the weed.

After you’ve done away with the clover, hire a professional lawn care provider to keep your grass healthy, challenging, and vigorous, which will make it far less likely to grow clovers. 

Key Takeaways

What Exactly is Clover?

Clover is a stubborn plant that is a popular lawn invader. It has a distinctive appearance with three petal-shaped leaves that stand out. White clover is the most frequent clover grass species found on residential lawns, but other cover species such as sweet clover and red clover can also be found in specific regions.

How to Identify Clover in Your Lawn

You can locate clover by small, spherical, white, or pink flowers with bees flying around them in your yard. The majority of lawns do. This low–growing perennial weed comes in various forms, but they all have the same leaf structure: three circular leaflets at the end of a long stalk. White clover is the most common type.

How to Get Rid of Clover

Topshot herbicide is the most acceptable way to control clover because it is selective and won’t hurt your ideal lawn. Use Topshot with a surfactant like Alligare 90 Wetting Agent for optimal results. Use 2,4-D Amine Selective weed killer to combat red and sweet clover, in particular.

How to Prevent Clover in Your Lawn

To produce a thick, dense, healthy yard of grass, use a pre-emergent application of Isoxaben WG and stick to a fertilizing plan.

What is Bringing Clover to Your Lawn?

There are many reasons you could have clover sprouting up in your lawn, most of which have to do with your soil. These are wrong soil pH, poor nitrogen levels, and compacted soil that prevents your grass from getting the nutrients.

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