WHEN Do Morning Glories Bloom? First-Hand Info

What is Morning Glory?

Morning Glory is an annual vining flower. But when do morning glories bloom? This flower blooms in the morning. They are climber-loving plants. Hummingbirds and butterflies are common on their flowers’ brilliant purple, blue, crimson, pink, and white blossoms. Read on to learn how to grow and care for these climbing flowers.

Purple morning glories

Are Morning Glories Perennials?

Many gardeners grow morning glories because of something mystical about them, but are morning glories perennials or annuals?

These blooms blossom magnificently in the morning, but after dusk, they close up. This is what distinguishes these blooms from others and makes them so alluring.

Morning Glory vines give any house or garden a vintage appeal and a cozy cottage atmosphere. Because they can be extremely aggressive, these flowers are not suitable for every garden and are best for someone who will take care of them. 

If you don’t control them, these vines will grow up to your windows and doors. To keep them in check, prune them yearly in January to a height of up to 3 feet (0.91 meters). It’s advisable to grow them in an area where they can sprawl out over an arbor, a fence, or a pergola. If you are up for the challenge, let’s discover how to grow these blooms.

Morning glories are both annuals and perennials. In the USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11, the moonflower (Ipomoea Alba) is a perennial plant. Ipomoea tricolor, sometimes known as the common Morning Glory, thrives as a perennial in USDA zones 10 and 11.

These flowers are perennial vines in USDA hardiness zones 10 and 11. Cut back your Morning Glory vines as perennials up to about 6 inches (15.24 centimeters) above the ground over the winter or early spring. The trimming stimulates them to grow back strong and vigorously by removing old and worn-out vegetation.

How to Grow Morning Glory

Morning Glory does very well when you sow directly, although it is not advisable to sow seeds indoors four to six weeks before your last frost date. Wait until the soil is workable and warmed to at least 64 degrees Fahrenheit (17.77 degrees Celsius) if you plant your seeds directly into the ground.

Scarification will hasten germination since Morning Glory seeds have a highly tough seed coat. You can briefly rub the seeds between two pieces of coarse sandpaper before immersing them overnight. In the morning, you’ll see that they are much plumper and appear to be about to sprout.

Sow the seeds a few inches apart, 1/4 inch (0.63 centimeters) deep. Space morning glories 6 inches (15.24 centimeters) apart if you are planting a row of them. You don’t have to be too picky about spacing if you’re growing a trellis. Till they sprout, thoroughly water the seeds and maintain a wet environment.

Proper Morning Glory Care

Morning Glory care is manageable for anyone deciding to have it in their garden. Check out the following points for proper growth and care:

The Soil 

Until the plant is well-established, morning glories require soil that is constantly moist, well-drained, and somewhat fertile. Unlike juvenile plants, which are more sensitive to their ground, adult plants can tolerate poor, dry soil.


During the growing season, give your plants plenty of water. During dry spells, water once or twice a week. Mature Morning Glory plants may withstand drier circumstances. Wintertime watering should be minimal.


You can apply a well-balanced liquid fertilizer each month during the growing season. Do not over-fertilize as this can result in more foliage than blossoms.

Pruning is not necessary for these flowers. However, you should remove old blossoms before developing seed pods to stop undesired self-seeding.

Pests and Diseases

Although rust, white blister, fungal leaf spot, stem rot, or wilt can rarely destroy these flowers, disease and pests do not typically impact them. Aphids, spider mites, leaf miners, and caterpillars are some pests that bother them.

The Different Morning Glory Colors

Morning glories add a beautiful touch to your garden. The plant comes in well over 1,000 different variants and Morning Glory colors. These plants produce trumpet-shaped blooms with tiny heart-shaped petals that have a wonderful scent. 

The blossoms are distinctive because they open up in the morning as the sun rises but close at night. These plants with brief blooms represent unreciprocated love and affection. They have a variety of colors, including brilliant purple, blue, crimson, pink, and white.

When to Plant 

You can start Morning glories four to six weeks before the last spring frost, which are simple to grow from seed. Plant seeds that you will plant directly in the garden after any fear of frost passes and the soil is 64 degrees Fahrenheit (17.77 degrees Celsius).

Where to Plant 

Select a location with lots of sunlight. Although they can take very slight shadows, full sun is preferable for their blooms. Due to their quick growth, pick a place to support their mature size. 

If allowed, morning glories will rapidly self-seed, so make sure they are in a location where it is possible to remove wasted flowers before they set seed. Be mindful of the yards around you and potential seed landing areas.

Planting Instructions

To aid germination, file seeds to crack the outer shell and soak for 24 hours before planting. Water well after lightly covering with  0.25 to 0.5 inches (0.63 to 1.27 centimeters) of soil. Do not distribute the roots during transplanting; they dislike it. After transplanting, give the roots plenty of moisture for a few days to help them settle in their new location. 

Use peat or other dissolving pots that you may put directly in the soil for beginning plants from seeds to decrease the stress on the root system. Morning glories can grow up to 12 feet (3.65 meters) or more in one season once they are well-established.

Do Morning Glories Come Back Every Year?

Morning glories might return yearly depending on the climate where you live. Morning Glory plants can self-seed in cooler regions. The plant is less likely to reappear the year after flowering in warmer, more tropical areas.

Why are My Morning Glories NOT Blooming

Too-rich soil is the most frequent cause of Morning Glory plants not blooming. Most blooming plants in your garden thrive and bloom most profusely when you give regular applications of a high-quality fertilizer and plant in rich soil.

The foreigners in the garden are morning glories. Unlike picky plants, they thrive in poor soil with minimal nutrients and sporadic irrigation. Pay great attention to the plant food or fertilizer you offer morning glories when growing them.

One of the main causes of Morning Glory vines failing to bloom is typically nitrogen. Nitrogen is best for morning glories to grow their stems, stalks, and vines. Morning Glory vines enlarge themselves when an excess of nitrogen is available instead of producing flower buds.

The Morning Glory plant will be a bright, vibrant green color with lots of vine development but no buds, making it simple to determine if too much nitrogen is the issue. Additionally, too much nitrogen can weaken plants by harming root development.

How to Deal with Excess Nitrogen

Sadly, you can do very little to lower nitrogen levels and promote Morning Glory bloom. Nitrogen levels in the soil can frequently reduce by using carbon. Spreading sawdust or tiny wood chips over the area is ideal for doing this with well-established Morning Glory plants. These substances take up nitrogen and produce carbon as they decompose.

Growing neighboring plants that consume a lot of nitrogen, like cabbage, broccoli, and corn, is another approach to minimizing the amount of nitrogen in the soil. Even if they do not appear in good health as they grow and are unlikely to bear flowers or fruit, these veggies will still perform selflessly to absorb and reduce nitrogen.

Recent studies show that tannin extracts and activated charcoal can successfully bind nitrogen molecules, reducing the amount of nitrogen in the soil.

Limiting the Amount of Nitrogen

Naturally, before you plant your Morning Glory plants is when you may reduce the nitrogen levels in the soil the quickest. Avoid using nitrogen-rich fertilizers, especially lawn fertilizers and turf builders. Most plants, including morning glories, will experience reduced bloom production due to these treatments.

Avoid using too much coffee grounds when planting morning glories if you use compost for your plants. Although coffee grounds and filters create excellent compost, they will hamper the production of Morning Glory flowers by the soil’s high nitrogen content.

Morning glories shouldn’t often need fertilizer. They frequently thrive in poor-quality, nutrient-poor soil. Nutrient addition to the soil may weaken the plant, affect healthy root development, and prevent the plant from ever blooming.

Blooming pink morning glory

How to Get Morning Glories to Bloom

When do morning glories bloom? No matter which kind you have, morning glories are the ideal addition if you want to give your yard a splash of color. Even though Morning Glory plants require little care, some growth conditions limit how well their flowers thrive. Fortunately, you can encourage your plants to blossom by doing a few simple steps; 

Choose a Sunny Area to Plant Your Flowers

To generate flowers, morning glories need direct sunlight. Only when you expose to direct sunshine will your flowers bloom and unfold. Choose a location for your morning glories planting that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Make sure to put your morning glories outside or close to a south-facing window if you’re keeping them in a container so they may get as much sunlight as possible during the day. 

Always sow your seeds where you want them to thrive for the season because morning glories won’t live well if you transplant them.

The leaves may have sunscald if you notice that the edges are brown and they appear white rather than green. Fix it by providing a little shade during the hotter afternoon hours.

Weekly Watering

A surplus of water promotes green growth without flowers. To track how much water your Morning Glory plants receive:

  1. Bury a rain gauge or moisture meter nearby.
  2. Check the meter to determine if your plants received 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) of water if it rains during the week.
  3. If not, irrigate the soil with a hose or a watering can. 

To prevent the soil from over-saturation, let it dry out between waterings. It’s typical for the leaves on your Morning Glory plants to dry out in the scorching summer months. That merely indicates that your plant is devoting its energy to producing blossoms.

Do not Over-fertilize

Morning Glory plants produce more leaves than blooms in rich soil. You might not need fertilizer because morning glories can grow well in nutrient-deficient, poor soil. Do a soil test to determine the soil’s nutrient content. 

If your soil is deficient in nutrients, you should only apply a 10-10-10 fertilizer once a month to your plants. Fertilizer is available in granular or liquid form. You will not have as many flowers from your morning glories if you use a fertilizer heavy in nitrogen.

Protect Them from the Wind.

Wind damages your plants and makes them dry. Keep your Morning Glory plants in a location away from severe winds. 

If your plants are already well-established, protect them from the wind by placing a fence, hedge, or tree upwind. A 6-feet (1.8-meter) fence will keep morning glories safe up to 12 feet (3.7 meters) away since whatever you install will shield an area twice its height. Cover the stems with mulch.

Prevent weeds from stealing soil nutrients. To prevent weeds from growing or spreading further, start by removing any that are already there. Around the bases of the Morning Glory stems, apply a 2 to 3 inches (5.1 to 7.6 centimeters) layer of organic mulch. 

To stop your morning glories from developing rot, leave 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 centimeters) of open space adjacent to the stem. Your morning glories are unlikely to dry out since mulch also aids in soil water retention.

Use Insecticidal Soap to Eradicate Pests.

Eliminate bothersome insects that can harm your blooms. Even while Japanese beetles, aphids, and spider mites can harm your plants, morning glories are often pest-resistant. Try pulling them off by hand if you come across them while working in your garden. 

Get a natural insecticidal soap and sprinkle it on your morning glories once or twice a week to combat greater infestations. Insecticide soap is available at your neighborhood gardening store.

If you Planted Seeds Late, Wait Until the End of the Summer 

Planting morning glories in late spring will delay their blooming until late summer. Even while morning glories naturally bloom later than other plants, putting seeds later also affect when you see blooms. It’s typical to see fewer flowers during the drier seasons of the year. 

Your morning glories will blossom more frequently if the weather returns to normal closer to September. All morning glories have the potential to bloom later in the year. Don’t give up if you don’t see flowers right away in the summer; morning glories can bloom right up to the beginning of the fall.

Before the Final Frost, Start Seeds Indoors

You may jumpstart the growing season by starting seedlings indoors. Avoid planting your seeds outside if you live in a region that experiences snow and frost. To improve seed germination, immerse the seeds in warm water for an entire night. After that, sow the seeds in potting soil in a pot. 

Wait about a week for the plants to sprout and keep the pot somewhere between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 29 degrees Celsius). You can bring your flowers outside after there is no chance of frost in your area. To improve germination, try scraping a portion of the seed using a file.

Plant Them in Soil That Drains Well

Your plants could suffer rot in water-logged soil. While Morning Glory plants require moist soil, the soil shouldn’t retain water. Dig a hole that is 1 foot (30 centimeters) broad and 1 foot (30 centimeters) deep in the location where you want to plant. 

Fill with water and let it soak into the ground overnight. Refill the hole with water the following day. Calculate the water level’s decline after one hour. Your soil is ideal for growing morning glories if it falls between 0.78 to 2 inches (2 to 5.1 centimeters). 

Add compost or peat moss to your soil to help with drainage if it drains too quickly or slowly.

Grow Plants Close to a Fence or Trellis.

For growth and success, Morning Glory vines require vertical support. Anytime you plant morning glories, choose a location next to a trellis, arbor, or fence to spread out as it develops. When your flowers begin to blossom, the support will keep your plants secure and look lovely.

When Do Morning Glories Bloom?

Even in the middle of spring, Morning Glory vines can start budding and continue to bloom until the first frost. They frequently bloom later than other plants and occasionally don’t start to produce a lot of flowers until the end of the summer.

From May until September, most Morning Glory cultivars will consistently produce flowers. The gardener can take several actions to promote regularly blooming morning glories.

What to Do When you Don’t Want your Morning Glories to Bloom

This one is for individuals who have difficulty controlling the huge growth of rogue or wild Morning Glory. Once established, these prodigious plants are prolific self-seeders that are very difficult to eradicate. They will grow almost anywhere.

Adding a lot of coffee grounds and lawn fertilizer can help reduce the number of morning glories. The plants won’t bloom even if they may become large and robust. The Morning Glory vine cannot produce seeds without blooming; eventually, it will stop regrowing the following year.

Nitrogen-rich fertilizers have the potential to burn the plants, hastening their demise. In regions where Morning Glory is out of control, use coffee grinds to apply to the soil or incorporate it. The high nitrogen content of coffee grounds also weakens the root systems of already-existing plants, resulting in overgrown areas breaking, falling, and dying.

The Difference Between Morning Glory and Bindweed

The attractive annual field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), an aggressive, invasive weed native to Europe and Asia, is frequently confused with its perennial cousin, the attractive annual Morning Glory (Ipomoea spp.). 

Field bindweed, also known as “perennial Morning Glory” or “creeping jenny,” grows similarly to annual morning glories but has extremely difficult-to-get-rid-of deep roots that enable it to overwinter in places where farmed morning glories could not. Look closely at the leaves, blooms, and vines to determine which plants are which:

The leaves of annual morning glories are often larger than field bindweed. Morning Glory leaves can measure up to 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) across than bindweed leaves. Additionally, bindweed leaves resemble an arrowhead more than morning glories’ heart-shaped leaves.

While annual Morning Glory flowers can be pink, white, magenta, blue, purple, or red, field bindweed flowers are only in pink or white. In contrast, the flowers of the Morning Glory are much larger than those of the bindweed.

Morning Glory vines often contain smaller hairs and are thicker than bindweed vines.

In any case, it’s advisable to avoid caution and treat any plant that resembles a Morning Glory in your garden as a weed if you didn’t plant it.

blue morning glories

The Final Say

Even though Morning Glory vines are among the easiest garden plants to grow, don’t give up if you are having trouble. You can fix your garden by using the information in this article to figure out why your plants aren’t flowering.

It’s crucial to remember that morning glories are late-blooming flowers that prefer full sun and infertile soil. It can be too early if your plants aren’t in blossom. Morning Glory plants frequently begin to bloom in late August or early September. When the soil is excessively rich, adding mulch to the surface soil may assist pull extra nitrogen and promote flowering.

Their finest feature is the vast, vivid blossoms of morning glories that unfold as though to greet each day. They are a great method to provide privacy and shade, and they also draw hummingbirds and butterflies. When you plant Morning Glory, ensure the plants have as much time in the sun as possible. The most exquisite flowers will be their gift to you.

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