9 Best Fertilizers for Fig Trees That Really Work

When Fig Trees Don’t Require Fertilizer

Except when they are nutrient deficient, figs often don’t require the best fertilizer for fig trees. Compared to trees planted in the ground, trees housed in containers require fertilizer more frequently. 

Give your fig trees a slow-release, well-balanced fertilizer once in the spring and once in the fall, such as formula 10-10-10 or 8-8-8.

Fig tree

Interesting Facts About Fig Trees

  1. No flowers bloom on the branches of fig trees. The fruit has a blossom inside of it. Several tiny blooms produce the crunchy small edible seeds that give figs their distinctive texture. You pick figs when they are fully ripe and half-dried on the tree, following the cycles of nature.
  2. Figs naturally assist baked foods in retaining moisture, making them fresher.
  3. Numerous fig kinds grow in California, but the two most popular are the dark purple, sweet mission, and the amber-colored, somewhat nutty golden.
  4. 100% of the nation’s dried and 98% of its fresh figs grow in California.
  5. Early in the 16th century, the Spanish brought mission figs to the Californian region.
  6. Fig trees were first cultivated in California in 1769 by the missionaries of Mission San Diego. This is how the name “Mission” for the deep purple fig came.
  7. Many people think that figs, not apples, were the real fruit that Adam and Eve were eating in the Garden of Eden.
  8. Figs were a common training snack for the early Olympians. Figs were the first Olympic “medal” and the best award to the winners.
  9. Figs were a healing food in ancient Rome. They gave young people more strength, kept the elderly healthier, and made them look more youthful with fewer wrinkles. 
  10. The fig tree represents fertility, sweetness, and abundance.
  11. One-half cup of figs contains the same amount of calcium as one-half cup of milk.
  12. Figs have more fiber per ounce than prunes and more potassium per ounce than bananas.

How to Care for Fig Trees

Although figs can produce multiple phases of harvest at once, in the UK climate, just one crop typically ripens in September or October. The next production of figs will be the next year from the small, pea-sized embryo that develops in the autumn.

In the UK climate, figs you plant in the spring and early summer may not ripen by October. They will still grow but won’t ripen. Remove them in the late fall.

Fig trees may need protection in some regions during the winter, particularly if the tree is young. Cover your tree with horticultural fleece once the leaves fall, or if your tree is fan-trained, pack straw around the branches. Move the fig trees in pots into a cool shed or other spaces with covers, such as a greenhouse.

Remove the cover in the spring, feed the tree well, mulch with well-rotted manure, or replant potted figs outside. Every two to three years, repot fig plants that are in containers. When the tree grows too big to transplant, scrape as much compost as you can from the surface and refill it with fresh.

Train figs against the wall using horizontal wires while tying the stems together to form a fan-shaped formation. To promote development lower down:

  1. Pinch half of the developing points on the fan’s primary frame in the early summer.
  2. As the fresh shoots emerge, tuck them in.
  3. Remove any dead or crooked stems in the late winter to retain the tree’s open framework.

You can use similar pruning techniques on fig trees planted in containers, such as cutting weak and dead branches in late winter and fresh shoot tips in summer. You must regularly prune yearly to keep them under control because they are also very vigorous. You can cut your tree back severely if it is outgrowing its space, but keep in mind that you will temporarily lose fruit.

Pruning fig trees in the spring can make them bleed sap, which weakens and sometimes even kills the tree. Wear gloves because the sap from figs irritates the hands.

When and How to Fertilize Fig Trees

When you plant in nutrient-rich soil, constraining their roots and with lots of sunlight, fig trees require relatively little care in terms of feeding. However, not every fig tree can enjoy such luxuries, so it will require an extra infusion of nutrients to help it flourish.

Fertilizing Fig Trees

Before you begin any process, always take the time to read the label of the fig tree fertilizer you are using, whether you decide to use liquid fertilizer, granules, or spikes. As with all fertilizers, keep fertilizer away from the fig tree’s trunk to prevent disease and fertilizer burn.

Apply the proper amount of fig fertilizer to the soil close to the dripline instead. It will be necessary to work granules into the ground gradually. Activate the fertilizer by giving the area a good soak in water. To stop water from flowing away from the fertilizer application zone, scrape some soil around the region.

Fig Tree Fertilization Season

You will need to fertilize your fig tree in the early spring to kick off the growing season if the soil in which it is currently is relatively deficient in nutrients. Fig trees require regular feedings of high-dose potassium fertilizer, regardless of the type of soil they are growing in.

It is not advisable to fertilize in the fall since it can promote the development of fresh fruit that might be vulnerable to frost in the winter. In the autumn, cover fig trees with a heavy layer of mulch. This will assist in resupplying nutrients that they lose during the growing season.

Fig Tree Fertilization Schedule

Use a high-quality, slow-release fig fertilizer in the spring to boost the soil’s nutrients since this will make the soil better for your fig tree’s roots to absorb. Here, fertilizer spikes are advantageous because they provide a consistent flow of nutrients for up to 8 weeks.

As the growing season develops and your fig tree starts to bear fruit, switch to a granular fertilizer for figs with a high potassium content. Using grains over liquid feed can help you track how much you are using and ensure you are not overwatering simultaneously. Although fig trees can tolerate some drought, too much moisture can cause fruit to split or fall off.

How to Harvest More from Fig Trees

It’s wonderful to hear that the fig harvesting season is well underway. However, their limited shelf life makes fresh figs challenging to find in supermarkets. Only dried figs are typically available in supermarkets; while still excellent, they lack the allure of freshly plucked figs.

Fortunately, figs are one of the easiest fruits to cultivate inside or outdoors in a container at home. Here are a few insider tips to guarantee an abundance of big, delicious figs.

Your fig trees need as much sun as possible to produce huge, delicious fruit. Although fig trees can take some shade, placing them in full sun will yield the best results. When it’s warm outdoors, move container trees outside to sit in the sun; otherwise, place them beside a big, bright window.

You can use burlap to protect your tree from frost in the winter. Spread some insulating material around the bases of your trees to keep the roots warm, such as mulch or pine straw. Remember that since fig trees are tropical plants, they prefer warmth.

Fig trees prefer to be dry as well. Place your tree away from areas that frequently flood or have standing water. Fig trees prefer to stay dry in the winter and fall but will require additional water during the growing season. 

Every several days, check on your soil. It’s time to give your tree more water once it’s dry, which should be around 2 inches ( 5.08 centimeters) below the surface. Without soaking, the soil should be wet. Frequently, trees growing in containers dry up more quickly than ones rooted in the ground.

Except in cases when they are nutrient deficient, fig trees often don’t require fertilizer. When compared with trees growing in the ground, trees in containers need fertilizer more frequently. Give your fig trees a slow-release, well-balanced fertilizer once in the spring and once in the fall, such as formula 10-10-10 or 8-8-8.

At a Glance:

  1. Dr. Earth Natural Wonder Fruit Tree Fertilizer: Best overall
  2. EarthPods Ficus plus Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Fertilizer [Premium]: Best for slow release
  3. Jobe’s Organics 09526 Organic All Purpose Granular Fertilizer 4-4-4: Best granular
  4. Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Plant Fertilizer for Ficus Lyra: Best for fig nutrition 
  5. Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food: Best for various plants 
  6. Jobe’s 01002, Fertilizer Spikes, For Fruit & Citrus: Best spikes
  7. Urban Farm Fertilizers Apples & Oranges Fruits and Citrus Fertilizer: Best citrus fertilizer
  8. Espoma Organic Tree-tone 6-3-2 Natural & Organic Fertilizer and Plant Food: Best for mature figs
  9. Jacks Classic No.1.5 20-10-20 Citrus Food Fertilizer: Best water soluble

What to Look for in Fig Tree Fertilizer


Every plant requires a particular combination of these nutrients, so be sure to choose the best fertilizer for fig trees with the proper mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

On fertilizer labels, look for a series of three digits to determine the ratio of these nutrients. For instance, the label of a fertilizer that contains 3% nitrogen, 5% phosphorous, and 6% potassium would read 3-5-6.

N-P-K are essential nutrients and are the main components that plants and trees require. It takes nitrogen to start healthy growth. The nutrient is also in charge of giving the fig leaf its lovely form and color. Your fig tree needs phosphorus to use and store energy effectively and assist with normal growth.

A fig tree needs potassium during its growing season in particular. That crucial fruit production is with the assistance of potash, which also guards the tree and its fruit against infection and illness.

Liquid Vs. Granular Fertilizer

There are many different types of fertilizers. Fertilizer granules and liquid fertilizers are two alternatives. The state of your garden and your intention to use the fertilizer determines your decision.

Granules are an excellent option because some gardeners prefer to see how much fig tree food they use. To fertilize a tree, estimate how many granules you’ll need following the area or size of the tree, then spread them around the trunk or stem on the ground. Typically, you need to bury granules and then water. The active components can then begin to work. 

You can buy liquid fertilizer either as a ready-to-use mix or as a liquid you have to dilute with water before using. There is a quick release of nutrients, which quickly begins to operate in liquid form. When your fig trees require frequent fertilization, especially after the fruit begins to form, liquid fertilizer is a fantastic choice.

Fertilizer Spikes 

Fertilizer spikes are solid, pre-measured spikes that you can insert into the ground. Since the manufacturer calculates the nutrients beforehand, some gardeners prefer spikes because you can never unintentionally use too much fertilizer or nutrients. They provide a clean, slow-release fertilization option.

Water-Based Fertilizer

Liquid fertilizer is one of the most popular ways to apply fertilizer to your plants. This may be more expensive than granular feed, but it has disadvantages because frequent fertilization may lead to overfertilization.


Granular fertilizer for fig trees is more affordable when you buy it in large quantities. Being resistant to severe temperatures makes it easier to store as well. If there is a need for nutrient correction, it is a useful technique to introduce nutrients at the onset or end of the season because it releases slower than liquid.

It isn’t as simple to use as liquid fertilizer, though, and it can occasionally be difficult to apply it uniformly as you can with liquid fertilizer.

Organic Vs. Synthetic

There’s the use of chemicals when producing artificial fertilizers. Although they are frequently more powerful and effective than their organic counterparts, they typically do not include any natural elements. If there is no proper utilization, they can harm the environment. Natural components like microorganisms and organic materials make organic fertilizers.

Both types have advantages and disadvantages. You frequently get a target product when using synthetic. However, if you go beyond, your plants could burn and perish. If you follow the manufacturer’s directions, organic fertilizer for fig trees offers a better option and is unlikely to harm the environment or your plants.


Our Top–Rated Reviews on the Best fertilizer for Fig Trees

Earth Natural Wonder Fruit Tree Fertilizer: Best Overall

Amazon’s Choice in Garden Fertilizers by Dr. Earth

Brand: Dr. Earth

Weight: 4 pounds (1.81 kilograms) 

Form: Granules

About This Item

  • The 5-5-2 NPK formula and its patented TruBiotic recipe introduce organic microorganisms and mycorrhizae into the soil. These roots then absorb, stimulating vigorous overall tree development and deliciously nourishing fruit.
  • Dr. Earth Natural is a slow-release alternative, and the granules quickly produce a nutrient-rich environment to encourage lush foliage and abundant fruit. 
  • Their unique blend formula produces excellent results even in drought-prone locations or those with shorter growing seasons, making it the ideal fertilizer for growing figs in containers or soil. It’s also safe for humans and pets.
  • Work a cup of fertilizer into the soil within the drip line of established fruit trees every three months throughout the growing season. Add 2 cups to the planting hole for new trees and thoroughly water.


  • There is no chicken excrement or filler in this product.
  • You can safely use it around humans, pets, and wildlife.


  • It has a natural odor.

EarthPods Ficus Plus Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Fertilizer [Premium]: Best For Slow Release

Brand: EarthPods

Weight: 4 ounces (113.3 grams)

Form: Spikes

About This Item

  • Slow-release spikes are an excellent choice for a less messy technique for fertilizing your fig plants. It features a mixture that helps your plants mimic forest-earth-like soil.
  • It’s an organic fertilizer for fig tree nutrition with a wide range of nutrients, organic growth hormones, beneficial soil bacteria, and trace elements.
  • The Earth Pod formula promotes healthy roots, sturdy stems, and leaves in your fig plants. It also aids in the recovery of your plants from transplant shock and increases their disease and drought resilience.
  • Aside from being a safe fertilizer for children and pets, a pack of Earthpods may provide a 5-year service for a single fiddle fig plant. Talk about cost-cutting.
  • You will never have any problems with this fertilizer as long as you properly set the spikes at the drip line of your trees.


  • Beneficial bacteria and fungus.
  • Humic.
  • The amino acids.


  • It is a natural fertilizer.
  • The slow-release technique keeps fiddle fig trees from overfeeding.
  • It is environment-friendly
  • It is safe for pets and children.
  • There is no mess and no odor.
  • It is best for both indoor and outdoor plants.


  • It is a little costly.

Jobe’s Organics 09526 Organic All Purpose Granular Fertilizer 4-4-4: Best Granular

Brand: Jobe’s Organics

Weight: 4 pounds (1.81 kilograms)

Form: Granular

About This Item

  • Jobe’s all-purpose fertilizer is a 4-4-4 NPK granular plant food that provides nutrients to your fig trees for 4 to 6 weeks. It contains the following organic matters: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Manure after processing. It also has Biozome, which contains beneficial microbes that help break down nutrients, making them easily available to your plants when needed.
  • Jobe’s All-Purpose Fertilizer also contains organic ingredients that enhance soil conditions and maintain your plants drought-tolerant, disease-resistant, and pet-resistant.
  • Because it is organic, it is safe for use around children and pets. However, its natural components have a strong odor, making it unsuitable for indoor plants for some gardeners.


It contains the following organic materials:

  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Manure after processing
  • It also contains Biozome.


  • Natural fertilizer
  • Environment-friendly
  • Kid-friendly
  • Pet-friendly
  • OMRI-listed
  • The slow-release formula keeps your plants from overfeeding.


  • It has an unpleasant odor.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Plant Fertilizer for Ficus Lyra: Best For Fig Nutrition

Amazon’s Choice in Garden Fertilizers by Fiddle Leaf Fig

Brand: Fiddle Leaf 

Weight: 8 Ounces (226.7 grams)

Form: Liquid

About This Item

  • Fiddle-leaf Fig Plant Food is another alternative for gardeners who cultivate fiddle-leaf figs or fickle lyrata. It encourages the dark green leaves and robust plant system of fiddle-leaf figs and fickle lyrata. Fiddle-leaf fig is a popular houseplant found in interior design stores due to its green and lustrous appearance.
  • Fiddle-leaf Fig Plant Food contains calcium, phytonutrients from sea kelp, and microorganisms for a healthy soil biome to keep them bright and green. It is a 3-1-2 NPK liquid fertilizer you can use in conjunction with other plant supplements.
  • It works best while watering your plants. It also lacks urea and is less likely to burn your fiddle-leaf figs.
  • This fertilizer can last up to 6 months and requires only a teaspoon per two cups of water. It also includes a free fiddle-leaf fig webinar and e-book for beginners.


  • Calcium
  • Phytonutrients
  • microorganisms


  • It is specifically for fiddle-leaf fig.
  • There is no danger of plants catching fire.
  • It is urea-free.
  • It includes a free webinar and an e-book.
  • Contains extra nutrients, such as calcium, for improved nutrition.


  • Formula spills may discolor household objects.
  • You should first test it to see how your plant reacts to it.

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food: Best For Various Plants

Brand: Miracle-Gro

Weight: 5 pounds (2.27 kilograms)

Form: Granules

About This Item

  • It instantly feeds plants to develop larger and more beautiful plants than unfed plants because it is full of vital nutrients.
  • Feed each week or two.
  • Use any watering can or the Miracle-Gro garden feeder.
  • Suitable for all houseplants, flowers, vegetables, trees, and bushes.
  • When you follow instructions, there’s a guarantee not to burn, and it is safe for all plants.


  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Phytonutrients
  • Other vital nutrients


  • Versatile enough, you can use it on a variety of edible plants.
  • Potassium at a high concentration for maximum fruit growth and size


  • The odor is a turn-off for several people.

Jobe’s 01002, Fertilizer Spikes, For Fruit & Citrus: Best Spikes

Brand: Jobes

Weight: 1 pound (0.454 kilogram)

Form: Spikes

About This Item

  • Spikes of pre-measured citrus and fruit fertilizer feed the roots; For all citrus and fruit trees, use time-release fertilizer.
  • Simple-to-use spikes for fertilizer; There is no wasteful runoff, mess, danger, or odor; Apply throughout the spring and fall.
  • Where the active roots are growing, there is a constant supply of nutrients.
  • Jobe’s spikes are simple to affix around each tree’s dripline, and the season-long slow-release formula feeds.
  • Assurance of analysis: (9-12-12) five spikes in standard packaging (8-11-11), five spikes in clear packaging, nine spikes on 8/11/11, 15 spikes on 9/12/11, and 160 spikes on 8/11/11


  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium


  • Simple to use with excellent outcomes, illness protection, and no runoff
  • It is also suitable for lemon, lime, orange, avocado, and many other fruiting trees.


  • The total price point is higher when you compare granules and liquid fertilizers.

Urban Farm Fertilizers Apples & Oranges Fruits and Citrus Fertilizer: Best Citrus Fertilizer

Brand: Urban Farm Fertilizers

Weight: 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms)

Form: Liquid

About This Item

  • Citrus Fertilizer from Urban Farm is a concentrated liquid fertilizer suitable for feeding all citrus and fruit trees.
  • This fertilizer includes 4.5-2.0-4.2 NPK. Its hybrid nutrients are from organic resources and hydroponic-grade minerals, such as Guanos bats, Vitazyme, amino acids, and mineral salts for hydroponics.
  • It is very concentrated, with a gallon producing lots of diluted fertilizer. Despite its positive attributes, it may be less in some places due to probable phosphorus runoff.
  • Before purchasing this product, check your local chemical use requirements.


  • Mycorrhizal
  • Worm castings
  • The acid humic
  • Kelp
  • Enzymes
  • Minerals
  • Calcium


  • Contains a combination blend of organic and hydroponic fertilizers.
  • Nutrient measurement is by their capacity to feed your plants rather than their bulk.
  • Weekly handcrafted.


  • If not using instructions, there is a risk of phosphorus runoff.
  • Chemical use limits apply in several states.

Espoma Organic Tree-tone 6-3-2 Natural & Organic Fertilizer and Plant Food: Best For Mature Figs

Amazon’s Choice in Garden Fertilizers by Espoma

Brand: Espoma

Weight: 4 pounds (1.81 kilograms)

Form: Liquid 

About This Item

  • If you’re looking for a fertilizer that’s best for mature fig trees, Espoma Tree Tone fertilizer is a fantastic option. It’s a 6-3-2 NPK organic fertilizer that works well as a substitute for Dr. Earth or Jobe’s Organics.
  • Espoma Tree Tone incorporates Bio-tone bacteria in a slow-release solution to improve soil conditions. It also contains 5% calcium and 0.5 percent magnesium, which provides extra food to your fig trees for improved plant growth.
  • This fertilizer is all-natural, with no additives or sludge. Espoma also takes pride in having zero raw material waste and keeping manure out of rivers by being the greatest manure recycler.
  • Espoma Tree Tone is low in salts; thus, it will not burn your plants. You can safely use it around pets and kids because it contains organic components.


  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Bio-tone bacteria


  • CDFA-listed.
  • Natural fertilizer.
  • It has extra nutrients to help your fig tree’s nutrition.
  • Pets and children are welcome.


  • Because of the organic component, it stinks.

JR Peters Classic Citrus Food Fertilizer: Best Water Soluble

Amazon’s Choice in Garden Fertilizers by JR Peters

Brand: JR Peters

Weight: 1 pound (0.45 kilogram)

Form: Granules

About This Item

  • JR Peters Classic Citrus Fertilizer is a 20-10-20 NPK fertilizer that meets the needs of citrus fruit trees such as fig trees.
  • Because it enters the plant’s system anytime you water your fig trees, this fertilizer comes in a water-soluble mix that offers quick benefits to plants.
  • It also contains increased micronutrient levels, which will help your fig trees grow stronger branches, darker green leaves, and better fruit production.
  • You can apply JR Peters Classic Citrus feed to the roots or spray on the leaves. Most gardeners also prefer its water-resistant plastic tube to the box packing, which can get damp over time.


  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium


  • There is no odor.
  • Specific composition to nurture citrus trees
  • Water-proof packaging
  • Two-way application: foliar and soil drench


  • Fertilizer is not organic.
NPK fertilizer

Wrapping up on The Best Fig Tree Fertilizer

Fig trees are slow-growing, low-maintenance trees. These adaptable trees require fertilizers at some point, just like other plants do. However, overfertilization can also harm them. Therefore, it requires attentive observation to know when to feed them and use the best fertilizers for fig trees, like our best choice Dr. Earth Natural Wonder Fruit Tree Fertilizer.

For fig trees with stunted growth and deficiency symptoms, planted in a site surrounded by other plants, a balancing ratio NPK fertilizer, such as 8-8-8 or 10-10-10, gives necessary nutrition. The three numerals, or NPK, stand for fertilizers with the lowest amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.

Depending on the brand’s “secret” recipe, each fertilizer has a unique set of NPK. Since each manufacturer wishes to protect their formula from competition duplicating them, the NPK is not always the real value for each recipe.

Fig trees are both fruit-bearing trees and aesthetic plants. Most gardeners grow their fig trees indoors as aesthetic plants, using less fertilizer only when necessary. Knowing when to fertilize fig trees is crucial because over-fertilizing them may also be harmful. Read our article and find out 9 of the Best Lawn Fertilizers for Summer Months.

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